Most people have questions about acupuncture - here's a short list of questions I get asked most frequently. If you are a New Patient also see FIRST TIME PATIENT ESSENTAILS - what you need to know for your first visit
Do you have private or community rooms?
Neighborhood Acupuncture has four (4) private treatment rooms. One of these rooms has two treatment chairs and patients can book this room for a solo treatment or to share a treatment with a spouse, parent, sibling or friend.
Wait? You treat patients in chairs?
Yes, each of our treatment rooms have comfortable and cozy reclinining chairs. And if you have neck or back pain don't worry about needles not going in your back or neck. Let me astonish you with how your body can heal your back and neck pain with strategic and accurate placement of acu-pins in your hands, arms, feet and legs. This technique (Balace Method) is the oldest and most time tested strategy used in the 2,500 year history of acupuncture and was almost lost but is now resurging world wide.
How long does an acupuncture treatment take?
Your first visit takes around 90 minutes because we'll spend extra time analyzing your needs and designing your treatment plan. This takes time and should not be rushed. With Balance Method acupuncture, patients rest with their needles in place for around 40 minutes.
Follow ups visits takes an hour. Follow up visits can be shortened to 45 minutes if needed BUT PLEASE LET US KNOW ON YOUR ARRIVAL if you require a slightly shorter visit.
Some patient like longer treatment sessions. Please ask on arrival if your treatment session can be longer and we'll accomodate you if possible.
How many acupuncture treatments am I going to need before I start feeling better?
Some patients respond quickly to Balance Method Acupuncture and start feeling better immediately. Some patients respond slower and start feeling better after 3 or 4 treatments. It's almost impossible to predict how each new patient will respond to acupuncture. There are just to many variables to make an accurate prediction. I want you to start feeling better immediately but if that doesn't happen, just remember, I am always doing my best to get you closer to your health goals sooner than later.
Also keep in mind, acupuncture is a process. I have never heard of any acupuncturist able to resolve health issures with one treatment with every patient they treat. For short-term issues, a handful of acupuncture treatments should do the job. For chronic or long-standing issues, a maintenance schedule of some sort typicallly is needed to keep systems running smoothly and steadily after the initial period of relief and change. On your first visit, I will analyze your needs and recommend a treatment plan based on experience from treating thousands of patients with a wide range of conditions. Then, it's up to you. The purpose of sliding scale pricing is to ensure that you feel confident in being able to make the commitment to acupuncture so you can feel better, see positive changes and enjoy a better quality of life.
Is it better to rest longer with the needles in place?
Resting longer with the needles may or may not help. It is rare that one acupuncture treatment will resolve your condition, and so to get results, at the start be prepared to commit to frequent treatments. It is more important to stick to your frequency of treatments than to rest longer with the needles in place. That being said, if it feels relaxing and you have the time to rest, please ask on arrival if your treatment session can be longer and we'll accomodate you if possible.
Can I combine acupuncture with other treatments such as massage, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic?
Absolutely. You can combine acupuncture with almost any other healthy treatment; that’s one of the lovely things about it - in fact acupuncture is likely to improve the effectiveness of the other treatments you are receiving. That is one of the reasons that so many doctors refer their patients to acupuncture.
What should I do after acupuncture? Drink a lot of water? Rest? Should I avoid anything?
I recommend patients do mostly what they feel like doing after acupuncture. Drink water if you feel thirsty. Eat if you feel hungry. Rest if you feel tired. After receiving acupuncture a few times, people usually figure out what they feel like doing or feel like avoiding soon after treatment. Pay attention to how you feel after treatment and act accordingly. If you want to read more about this please see Drink Plenty of Water After Acupuncture - But Why?
What's up with your sliding scale, how does that work?
You decide how much to pay based on what you feel comfortable paying. It's that simple. Take into account how many treatments you will be receiving and for how long and decide for yourself what amount on the sliding scale works for you. I discuss a treatment plan with you on your first visit, making recommendations about how often I'd like to see you. And you pay on a sliding scale so that your budget fits the treatment plan. Your treatment is not based on how much you pay so you will have right amount of needles, the maximum rest time, and the best of care no matter what you pay. The goal of the sliding scale is to make it possible for you to come in often enough and long enough to really feel better.
Can I address more than one health issue at a time with acupuncture?
Yes! Acupuncture often acts like a reset button for the entire body. Often, people come in for one issue, like back pain, and then notice an improvement in something apparently unrelated, such as a chronic allergy. This can happen even when the patient doesn’t tell me about the apparently unrelated problem. Acupuncture also seems to have the positive “side effect” of reducing stress and promoting better sleep and increasing your energy levels.
At the same time if you have more than four (4) health complains please try your best to let us know which one is bothering you the most.
Are the acupuncture needles safe?
I use only sterile, disposable acupuncture needles. Each acupuncture needle is used once and then disposed of in approved biohazard containers according to federal laws and regulations. They are completely safe.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture doesn't hurt much at all! That being said, getting an acupuncture treatment isn’t always sensation-free. The needles are extremely small and while you may feel a quick pinch when the needle is tapped in, any sensation should ease almost immediately. More than anything a treatment should be a deeply relaxing and sleepy slice of time for you. If you feel a prolonged sharp stinging sensation at a needle site, let me know and I'll reposition it. If you feel a heavy sensation or slight ache around the needle site, that is a good sign - your body is reacting in a productive way to help you feel better and heal.
The bottom line is that as long as the feelings around the needles don’t keep you from closing your eyes and napping for a little while, I say let them be.
Friends and family are insisting I try acupuncture, but I’m afraid of needles.
While I never recommend that a patient try Balance Method acupuncture based on how much someone ELSE wants them to do it, most people who try it find it deeply relaxing. And that's important, because acupuncture isn't a one-time thing; you are probably going to have to do it a lot more than once. Balance Method Acupuncture patients also accept a certain level of responsibility for themselves, their health and their needs. They understand there is a commitment that is needed to bring about desired change.
So only you can decide if Balance Method Acupuncture is right for you. You can tell your friends and family I said so!
Many people don't like needles, but you should understand something important: acupuncture needles are extremely tiny, flexible and very thin, like a strand of hair. They are designed to easily glide, gently taking up a tiny amount of space. Plus, I want to make sure you are comfortable and want to help you through the process so you can close your eyes and relax.
Acupuncture needles are not hypodermic needles which are super thick, stiff and have a serrated tip. Hypodermic needles are designed to force open and either insert or remove something. This makes them very painful.
Do I have to 'believe' in acupuncture for it to work?
No, you do not have to believe in acupuncture for it to work. You do have to show up a few times for acupuncture therapy and give yourself the chance to see positive changes. And if you believe that I am trying my best to help you acheive your health goals using all my experience and knowledge of Balance Method acupuncture then I am sure that it can only help.
Do I have to take my clothes off for treatment?
No, no clothing needs to be taken off. Occasionally, we have to access areas just above the knee or up to the shoulder joint, in which case I would ask you to wear shorts and/or a tee shirt. In most cases, all it takes is removing your shoes and socks, rolling up your shirt sleeves and pant legs (and sometimes removing jewelry). Then, it's just sit back and relax.
Do you treat women who are pregnant?
Yes. And I get referrals from midwives and obstetricians because acupuncture is effective for many pregnancy-related conditions, including morning sickness, low back pain, high blood pressure and elevated glucose. And acupuncture is recommended for healthy and timely delivery. Simply let your obgyn, midwife or primary care provider know your are getting acupuncture and they will probably commend you.
Do you treat children and/or teens?
Yes. Acupuncture is often very effective for children and teens, and many of them love it. I only ask that the child be willing to try acupuncture; I don’t want to treat unwilling patients of any age.
Someone I know really needs acupuncture but they don't want to try it! Should I drag them in?
No, please do not do this. But please share with them how it works for you. When they are ready they will decide for themselves. Acupuncture is a process and frequent treatment is often required. Sharing your acupuncture experiences and journey can help inspire someone you know to start the process. When someone is ready to start the process then invite them to come in with you and get a Balance Method Acupuncture therapy session together in our Neighborhood Room.
Are there any harmful side effects to acupuncture?
One of the primary reasons that acupuncture has been so well embraced by many doctors and patients is because of its low rate of harmful side effects.
"For a medical procedure, you almost cannot get anything that is more benign," says James Dowden, Executive Administrator of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. "About the worst thing that can happen is you won’t get better."
?In its landmark, 1997 Consensus Statement on Acupuncture, the National Institutes of Health (NIH ) reported: "One of the advantages of acupuncture is that the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions." (Acupuncture. NIH Consensus Statement 1997 Nov 3-5; 15 (5): 9.)
In 2001, the British Medical Journal (vol. 323, no.7311) published the results of two large-scale studies showing that the benefits of acupuncture far outweigh any negative side effects of treatment. The few post-treatment complaints were minor and short-lived, ranging from bruising to needle pain and lasting less than a week, with no serious adverse events noted.
As a Balance Method Acupuncturist, what are your specialties? Where do you work?
I have over 16 years of experience treating thousands of people with hundreds of different symptoms and medical conditions. As an acupuncturist having worked in western and eastern medical settings, I generally give between 50 to 60 treatments each week or an average of 3,000 treatments a year. Considering all of this, I and my patients have discovered that Balance Method Acupuncture has helped every medical condition and every symptom and most likely will help you as well.
I currently provide Balance Method Acupuncture to patients at Neighbohood Acupuncture- feel free to schedule an appointment online at your convenience.
Can I address more than one health issue at a time with acupuncture?
Yes! Acupuncture often acts like a reset button for the entire body. Often, people come in for one issue, like back pain, and then notice an improvement in something apparently unrelated, such as a chronic allergy. This can happen even when the patient doesn’t tell me about the apparently unrelated problem. Acupuncture also seems to have the positive “side effect” of reducing stress and promoting better sleep and increasing your energy levels.