Who We Serve - Workers
Balance Method acupuncture therapy is great for hard working women and men. Through sliding scale pricing, Neighborhood Acupuncture serves working people in our Santa Barbara community and helps them sleep better, reduce stress, and relieve tension, stiffness, aches and pains. Balance Method acupuncture therapy is ideal for servers, chefs, delivery drivers, carpenters, and anyone who performs physical labor or stands or sits for long periods of time on a daily basis, which of course includes students and retired workers. The best way to find out if acupuncture can help you is to show up a few times for Balance Method acupuncture therapy and give yourself a chance to see positive changes. You control the schedule, book an appointment online and get started on your way to a better quality of life. You can even get acupuncture therapy on Saturdays!
Balance Method Acupuncture to Relieve Chronic Pain
Servers, electricians, hairdressers – indeed all workers in our local communities – often put up with relatively high levels of chronic pain. Tasks requiring repetitive motion, high levels of endurance, and extreme strength cause strain on the body that leads to chronic pain, including:
Knee and joint pains
Migraines and Headaches
Conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder muscle tension are also common complaints working folks deal with on a daily basis and frequent acupuncture can help.
If you have lingering questions about acupuncture, please take a look at the FAQs. Neighborhood Acupuncture knows Balance Method acupuncture therapy can make an important difference in your quality of life and you can now commit to this healing process and obtain a healthier quality of life
How Balance Method Acupuncture Helps Workers
Workers who receive Balance Method acupuncture therapy often are better able to manage stiffness and pain symptoms and enjoy increased stamina. Regular acupuncture therapy can help working people manage the harmful effects of the stress endured in a fast-paced work environment and tasks that requires a great deal from the worker's body and mind. Further, acupuncture helps a worker's body relax, so you enjoy:
Better digestion
Less pain
In short, acupuncture helps working people manage the wear and tear their body endures every day. Book an appointment online today and begin the process for a healthier quality of life.