Relieving Back Pain with Acupuncture in Santa Barbara
I saw a new patient at Downtown Community Acupuncure Clinic this past Friday with low back pain. Patient stated low back pain began earlier in the day. Patient indicated with a hand that the greatest pain was level with L5/S1 and radiated lateral, inferior and slightly superior. Patient complained of pulling pain of bilateral hip regions extending bilateral slightly into the thighs. Patient stated the acts of sitting down and standing up were painful, as well as bending forward and lateral from the waist.
Acupuncture helps back pain
These regions of pain are associated with the meridians Foot Tai Yang, Foot Xiao Yang and Du. According to Dr Tan Balance Method, Foot Xiao Yin balances Foot Tai Yang within the interior-exterior system. With experience I have found the chin images the sacrum and Ren 24 images L5/S1 articulation.
Two (2) acupuncture needles were inserted approximately 0.5 cun bilateral to Ren 24 with an additional four (4) needles inserted bilaterally inferior to the original needles 0.5 cun bilateral to Ren 24. Needles were inserted at approximately 20 degree angle and directed toward Ren meridian. Patient was asked to repeat standing and sitting five (5) times from a chair. Patient notice decreasing pain level and greater ease of movement as this task was performed.
Pain relief almost instantaneous with Acupuncture
Patient was then asked to choose and sit in a reclining chair in the common treatment room. According to Dr Tan Balance Method Hand Tai Yin balances Foot Tai Yang within Chinese Clock Opposing Meridian system. Hand Xiao Yin balances Foot Xiao Yang within Chinese Clock Opposing Meridian system as well. Ten (10) acupuncture needles where placed equidistant from right Lung 7 to right Lung 5. Seven (7) acupuncture needles were placed equidistant from left Heart 4 to left Heart 3. Patient rested with needles in place for approximately 90 minutes. At end of treatment patient had increased ability to bend forward and lateral from the waist with almost no pain. I encouraged patient to return the next day for additional acupuncture therapy.
Patient returned the next day stating low back pain was 95% better. Acupuncture treatment was repeated as described above and patient rested with needles in place for approximately 60 minutes. At end of treatment patient was advised to return only if patient felt any return of symptoms.
Acupuncture gets results fast
I have exclusively used Dr Tan Balance Method system to treat patients for 6 years and have experienced many rapid recovery success stories like this one. While a majority of patients require frequent treatments over weeks or months of time to achieve similar results; I have noticed patients that start acupuncture therapy the same day as their injury recuperate more quickly.