Balance Method Acupuncture for Insomnia, Restless Leg, Headache and Neck Pain
By Tona Marquez
on Apr 16, 2022 at 10:01 PM in Santa Barbara Acupuncture
When it seems like everything hurts and you can't sleep
This succes story is of a patient that was suffering from Insomnia, Restless Leg, Headache and Neck pain. Most of my patients come to treat one or sometimes two complaints. But, like this patient, there are patients that have multiple symptoms that bother them a lot! Balance Method Acupuncture is effective at treating multiple symptoms. With time and dedication from this patient, they achieved there health goals.
I advised the patient to repeat acupuncture therapy two times weekly for 6 to 8 weeks.
Success Story: Insomnia, Restless Leg, Headache, Neck pain
1st Visit: Patient arrives with a headache and neck pain. The headache is strongest on the left side and neck pain strongest on the left side and goes down into the left shoulder. Patient also complains of restless legs at night that keep her having to continually move her legs to be comfortable. Patient further complains of insomnia with overactive thinking. She can't get her mind to calm/close down.
2nd Visit (one week later) Patient arrives with headache on left side of head and pain in left side neck and shoulder. Patient also complains of tingling sensation on right side of face. Patient left treatment with only mild headache and left side neck pain. There was no pain in left shoulder.
3rd Visit (one week later) Patient arrives with headache and nausea. Headache is on left side of head and goes down the left side of neck into the shoulder.
4th Visit (2 days later) Patient states her headache went away after her last visit. Patient arrives today with jaw tension and tightness. Patient also reports pain on right side of neck going down into the right shoulder.
5th Visit (5 days later) Patient arrives with jaw tension. Tingling on right side of the face continues. Right side of the neck has some pain but there is no pain going down into the right shoulder. Patient still has not experienced a headache or left side neck pain.
6th Visit (2 days later) Patient reports she woke up with a left side headache but he headache went away after 2 hours on its own and has not returned. Right side facial tingling is improving. Patient reports she is sleeping easier and better.
7th Visit (5 days later) Patient only reports r side face tingling, which is improving and no is felt mostly at night. Patient states she no longer has right or left side neck pain, both shoulder are pain free and shoulder muscles feel loose. And patient has not experienced a headache. Sleep remains improved.
8th visit (7 days later) Patient reports she is sleeping through the night. She also reports feeling much less anxiety. She has not experienced a headache and her neck and shoulder feel loose and comfortable. The only lingering symptoms is right side facial tingling which continues to improve and is noticeable mostly at night.
9th, 10th and 11th Visit Patient has not experienced any headaches even after an intensly stressfull situation which would typically bring on a left sided headache with neck and shoulder pain. Tingling in face now comes and goes and when it does occur it is only noticeable at night.
Patient is advised to continue acupuncture on a weekly basis until right side facial tingling is completely resolved.
Total numnber of visits: 11 over 7 weeks
Total cost: $550.00
Outcome: No headaches, no neck pain, no shoulder pain, sleeping through the night, greater feeling of calm.